Why You Should Start a Side Hustle While in University

Why You Should Start a Side Hustle While in University
As a university student juggling academic commitments, extracurricular activities, and a side venture, you'll develop a newfound sense of confidence in your abilities. Trust me, the way you approach challenges in life will change. Some people even take on the title “CEO” 🤣

One of the trends gaining momentum is the idea of having a side hustle while pursuing higher education. — As country don hard like this. While the most obvious reason for this choice is income generation, there are several other benefits that come with it. Let’s delve into why starting a side hustle while in university is a decision worth considering.

1. Income Generation

Of course, having a side hustle in uni can provide a steady source of income that helps you cover various expenses, from handouts to social outings to those trendy outfits you’ve been eyeing. Having your own cash can relieve financial stress from your parents/guardians and allow you to enjoy your university experience more fully. Not only does it provide financial relief, but it also teaches you the value of money and how to manage it effectively.

2. Confidence Boost

Starting and running a side hustle requires initiative, determination, and a willingness to take risks. As a university student juggling academic commitments, extracurricular activities, and a side venture, you’ll develop a newfound sense of confidence in your abilities. Trust me, the way you approach challenges in life will change. Some people even take on the title “CEO” 🤣

The first business I started while in university did not work out because it was physically demanding, so I found something online that required more of brains than muscles. There were challenges at first but when it started paying off, omo, my confidence was on another level. No life challenge that came my way since then has been intimidating to me because this girl was nurturing a business and it was actually growing. I’d look challenges in the face like “I be your mate?”

3. Build Experience

University education is undoubtedly valuable, but practical experience is equally important. Starting a side hustle gives you hands-on experience in areas that might be related to your future career or something entirely different. This experience adds depth to your skill set and makes you stand out in a competitive job market. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate both theoretical knowledge and practical know-how.

A side hustle will help you develop practical experiences in

  • Business development
  • Marketing
  • Financial management
  • Sometimes even design and digital automation
  • Other skills specific to your hustle

Imagine graduating with 3 to 4 years of experience sitting pretty on your CV (or maybe even 6 years if ASSUU screws you over), and you can actually back it up when potential employers try to drill you.

That’s how Idans do.

4. Build a Healthy Money Management Psychology Early

Managing finances is a skill that often takes years to master oh. You get your first income and you’re tempted to blow it on things you’ve always wanted. — Nothing wrong with that. Everyone passes through that stage. It’s just that going through that stage early will help you a lot.

When you’re young, and very little is expected from you, you have the luxury of making bad financial decisions and learning by experience. You can see shege first-hand and survive it at 21. At 30? That shege might be more devastating, so try to see it early enough.

There’s a big difference between managing your own money that you make with your own hands and managing money that someone gives to you, okay? You cannot value the importance of financial management until you see your sweat and blood in paper form flying away anyhow.

Something needs to click that will make you realize that you need to learn to budget, save, and invest wisely. This sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy money management habits. This early exposure to financial responsibility can have a profound impact on your financial success in life.

5. Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Starting a side hustle creates and nurtures an entrepreneurial mindset, encouraging you to think outside of the box, identify opportunities, and take calculated risks. These qualities are invaluable, whether you end up pursuing your own business or working within a larger organization.

Learning theoretically is enlightening, but practical experience is what shapes you into an entrepreneur, not theory.

An entrepreneurial mindset fosters innovation and adaptability, and these qualities are highly sought after in the job market.

6. Beat Time

I’ve had conversations with a couple of successful people. 9 out of 10 of these people, when asked what they wish they did differently, say they wish they’d started earlier. Businesses take a long time to “blow” so the earlier you start, the earlier you get to hit significant milestones in your business, as well as your own personal success milestones. All things being equal.

Other Benefits

Skill Diversification: A side hustle gives you the opportunity to explore and develop a wide range of skills. e.g content creation, customer service, and other aspects of business operations. These skills can open up unexpected career paths.

Networking Opportunities: The connections you make during your side venture can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and mentorship opportunities that you might not have encountered within the confines of your university campus.

Creative Outlet: A side hustle provides an outlet where you can explore your passions and turn your ideas into reality.

Personal Development: Starting a side hustle early helps you to develop time management and a healthy money mindset, and helps you realize the value of other things and people in your life. You’ll get to understand that last bit after a while.


Starting a side hustle while in university is a decision that goes beyond the immediate financial benefits. It’s an opportunity to grow personally, professionally, and financially. The experiences and skills gained from a side hustle during university can shape your future path. Whether you continue with your hustle after graduation or not, the lessons learned will stay with you. You’ll enter the professional world with a unique perspective, a diverse skill set, and a greater understanding of what it takes to succeed. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

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