Working While Schooling - How to Strike a Balance

Working While Schooling – How to Strike a Balance

Are you working and studying at the same time? Do you find it hard to manage both? Well, you’re not alone! Many people find it challenging to juggle work and school but don’t worry, I’m here to help.

Working while studying can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the right mindset and techniques, you can balance both and achieve your goals. I’ll share some tips and tricks to help you strike a balance between work and school.

Hi, I’m Viki! I’m a final-year Civil Engineering student at Ahmadu Bello University and a freelancer who also works a full-time remote job. How do I strike a balance? Let’s dive in! 🚀

Why is it hard to work and study?

Working while schooling seems difficult because they both require time, energy, and focus. When you work, you may feel exhausted, and it may be hard to concentrate on your studies. Likewise, when you study, you may feel overwhelmed and stressed — even bored, and it may be hard to perform well at work. It also usually results in having limited free time, which can affect your social life and relationships. Yet, like me, you have chosen to do both at the same time. Why?

Benefits of working while schooling

Working while studying has many benefits. Firstly, it can help you develop time management and organizational skills, which are essential in both your personal and professional life. Secondly, it can help you gain work experience and build your resume, which can increase your chances of landing a great job or even starting up your own company after graduation. Thirdly, it can help you become financially independent and reduce the burden of schooling expenses.

Tips for balancing work and school

1. Schedule everything

One of the essential things to do is to create a schedule. Note down your work hours, study hours, and other commitments such as exercise or family time. This way, you’ll know what to expect, and you’ll be able to manage your time more efficiently. I schedule almost everything in my life — Study time, work time, meetings, dates, family time, and leisure time. This is the only way to keep it all from twirling into utter chaos. I use Google Calendar for scheduling.

2. Prioritize your daily tasks

Prioritizing your tasks every day is crucial when balancing work and school. Decide which tasks are most important and do those first. This way, you’ll be able to focus on the essential things and avoid wasting time on less critical things. I prioritize my daily tasks using the combination of a simple checklist on my mobile note-taking app and a custom project management system I built in Notion.

3. Avoid procrastination

Procrastination is a freelancer’s worst enemy and it can be a significant hurdle when balancing work and school. Try to avoid putting things off and do them as soon as possible. This way, you’ll have more time for other tasks, and you’ll avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

I use the 2-minute rule to avoid procrastination. Whenever I feel like putting off a task, I tell myself that I’ll only work on it for 2 minutes. Of course, I always end up completing the entire task, and that’s the whole point. By tricking your brain into thinking that you’re only going to work on the task for 2 minutes, there’s less resistance to starting, and starting is actually the hardest part.

As Newton’s first law explains, a body in motion will continue in motion unless acted upon by an external force. So, it’s easier to continue and complete the task once you’ve overcome the hurdle of starting. I learned this technique from my favorite productivity YouTuber, Ali Abdaal.

4. Take breaks

Taking breaks is essential when working and studying. Schedule regular breaks to rest your mind and recharge your batteries. You’ll be able to focus better and perform more efficiently. I take breaks on various levels. I schedule them into my workday, avoid working on weekends and ensure to take out a few work-free weeks every year to travel and just enjoy freedom. This helps me recharge and enjoy new experiences that are not related to work or school.

5. Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Reach out to your colleagues, classmates, or family members for support. Whenever I begin to fall behind with schoolwork, I find someone who is up to speed and ask for their help. Likewise, when I find myself overwhelmed at work, I outsource non-core tasks in order to free up time and focus on those core tasks that only I can perform.

If you’re having major challenges with balancing school and work, I advise that you research various time management techniques and find one that works for you. These problems may also be caused by stress so make sure you are sleeping, eating well well, and prioritizing your mental and physical health.

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