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Author: Viki Johnson

Where I Buy Affordable Laptops in Nigeria

Where I Buy Affordable Laptops in Nigeria

Discover my trusted source for high-quality, budget-friendly laptops and computers in Nigeria. From their unbeatable discounts to exceptional customer service, I share my journey and tips for finding the perfect tech at Shopinverse.

Why You Should Start a Side Hustle While in University

Why You Should Start a Side Hustle While in University

As a university student juggling academic commitments, extracurricular activities, and a side venture, you’ll develop a newfound sense of confidence in your abilities. Trust me, the way you approach challenges in life will change. Some people even take on the title “CEO” 🤣


How to Identify a Scam Website and Never Get Scammed Online Again

The Internet offers countless opportunities and conveniences, but it also poses risks, especially when it comes to financial transactions and sharing personal information. Identifying scam websites is essential to safeguarding your money and personal data from unscrupulous individuals who seek to exploit innocent users. By learning how to recognize the signs of a scam website, you can make informed decisions and avoid becoming a victim of online scams.

What is Productivity?

What is Productivity?

Productivity is the measure of how much work you can get done in a specific amount of time. It’s a concept that’s important in both our personal and professional lives because being productive allows us to achieve our goals and accomplish more in less time.


No code Development vs Code Development

No-code development requires the use of no-code tools such as WordPress, Webflow, and Bubble to create programs. Code development on the other hand requires the use of programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node. Js e.t.c. to create and modify the source code of programs.